The cause of knee pain
As we age, our knees naturally wear down, the tissue and cartilage tears, and knees get weaker, which often leads to joint pain.
Injuries in the past could also cause recurring joint pain in the knees. If you broke a knee, had a fall, received major knee surgery, or other injuries these are all going to impact your knee health even post-healing, and you may experience pain.
Inflammation is also often linked to joint pain. Inflammation is one of the leading causes of chronic pain, and it can most often be reduced through an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
No matter how healthy you are, if you have knee pain, living a fun and active lifestyle can feel hopeless. The pain, often debilitating, makes daily errands and to-dos a burden. But there are ways of healing and reducing knee pain. There are also ways that can increase pain and inflammation in the knees.

Here are some Dos and Don’ts for reducing pain and swelling in the knees, many of which you can begin today.
12 Dos and Don’ts for Knee Pain
Do rest your inflamed knee
If your knee(s) is screaming at you in pain, do give yourself the time to rest and elevate your inflamed knee to recover and heal. Rest is the number one tip for healing and regenerating the body’s functions. Sometimes all a knee in pain needs is less aggravation.
Don’t forget to exercise
When the pain isn’t severe, don’t let it keep you from moving your body if you can help it. Rest is an important step in healing knee pain, but so is low-impact and gentle movement. Avoid high-intensity workouts and opt for slow, light, and regular exercise, like walking, Tai Chi, or yoga.
Do invest in good shoes
Having good shoes that support your arches, ankles, and rest of the foot is imperative to keeping your knees healthy and painless. Good shoes also help to reduce other pain in the body, commonly found in the back, shoulders, and neck. Supportive shoes are a must. Shoe inserts like orthopedic pads are also a great option for shoes you already own but need some added support.
Don’t skip the stretch
Not just before and after exercise, stretching is an essential habit if you live with chronic knee pain. Stretching lubricates your joints, kind of like oiling up a machine. It will help to prevent injury when exercising and gives you more mobility throughout the day. Stretching will also help to prevent joint problems in the future, as the exercise increases agility and fluidity in the body.
Do practice stress reduction
You need to find ways to reduce any kind of inflammation in the body when you have chronic pain, which means you need to keep stress to a minimum. Stress increases the hormone called “cortisol” which causes inflammation in the body. Try breathing exercises, soft and relaxing music, reading a good book, or meditation to keep stress in check.
Don’t eat inflammatory foods
Some foods are more inflammatory than others. There are certain foods you should avoid if you are experiencing knee pain. Some of them are:
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Processed foods
- Fried foods
- Refined sugar
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Do wear knee braces and guards
The added support from a protective guard or knee brace can stabilize and hold up your weaker and inflamed knee on days when you’re in pain. It’s also a smart thing to wear for exercise, walking, traveling, and running errands, to maintain knee health.

Don’t ignore pain
So often, when chronic pain becomes a normal part of your life, it’s easy to get used to it and write it off as “normal”. Don’t ignore the pain and be cautious. The pain could be warning you that it needs rest and relief, and it would be wise to stay off it for a few hours while you recover.
Do supplement your diet
Aiding your diet with supplements is a fantastic way of achieving long-lasting joint health. You will want to find a good supplement that will direct target your knee concerns. JointFuel360 is a joint support supplement combining powerful ingredients specifically formulated to target joints to reduce inflammation and pain in the knees.
Don’t neglect your weight loss
Excess weight puts a lot of added strain on joints. Carrying extra pounds will create pressure around the knees which will add to pain already caused by previous conditions, like age, injury, or inflammation. Losing weight relieves pain around the knees because there is less pressure placed on them. Keep your weight loss goals and make sure to maintain a healthy weight to aid in healing your knee pain.
Do use hot and cold compresses
Interchanging hot and cold compresses has been a proven way of reducing inflammation and relieving knee pain, and for aches, and swelling overall. Heat is healing in and of itself and feels relieving, and then adding cold to the affected area reduces inflammation and swelling. It’s recommended to change from hot to cold every 10-15 minutes to reduce pain and inflammation in the knees.
Don’t kneel or sit on your knees
Kneeling or putting pressure on the knees by sitting on them can aggravate the pain and may cause further injury if you have weak cartilage. If you need to kneel or spend time on your knees, use a supportive floor pad or mat to reduce the impact of knee-to-surface.
Ready to make a change?
Knee pain doesn’t have to haunt your life. There are effective and natural options for combatting knee pain.
JointFuel360 is created in Jupiter Labs and is formulated with powerhouse ingredients to combat knee pain and increase joint health. With its unique and natural blend of Turmeric, Type II Collagen, Resveratrol, Boswellia Serrata, Hyaluronic Acid, and Black Pepper, all ingredients backed by significant scientific research, JointFuel360 is the best supplement to reduce knee pain and increase joint health.

Because of its powerful and direct formulation, you can begin experiencing a difference with JointFuel360 in as little as 7-30 days after use.
Let us answer any questions you have about JointFuel360 so you can get started on supplementing today!